I’ve always been a rebel. But a closeted, secret one. Until I wasn’t a rebel anymore…
I would have a strong opinion, clear standpoints, or an ocean of emotion inside. And show nothing outside because it wasn’t safe. Until I eventually learned to not feel much at all. Why even bother?
Many systems (education, healthcare, culture) and people kept telling me that it was not okay to be me. I learned to conform. There were many “I should be…” and “I am not allowed to…” rules that I learned to follow.
My way of rebelling at school, for example, was to choose a topic for my essay that I knew for sure would not be approved by the teacher. I would get a low grade for it. And I would shut down even more feeling deeply misunderstood.
Like I said, I was a closeted rebel, until this inner fire slowly went down…
Now that I got it back, this has also became my life’s mission: to hold space for you in a way that lights up your fire.
Returning humanity, agency, and aliveness to all humans.