Escaping the Inescapable

Alchemizing chronic patterns in your clients

(even when it feels impossible)

A 4-week online immersion for the experienced practitioners

Bodyverse Babe

online immersion | November 2024 | 4 weeks

Dear human-helper-of-humans,

I know you are already so very good at what you do. You are an expert in your field, in love with and in awe of your clients, facilitating amazing shifts… And yet sometimes you encounter these patterns that feel stuck and stubborn and no matter what you do or what tools you offer to your clients, it seems “inescapable” – they just keep returning back to the status quo. 

And believe me, I know, sometimes it can feel so frustrating for you as a practitioner, like you keep banging your head against the wall, repeating the same thing but nothing really changes. At least not in the long term.

I call this “chronic conditions” that, like glue, hold old (unhelpful) patterning in place. These are very tricky to work with because it often feels “inescapable“, like there is no way in and no way out. 

It could be anything from chronic pain, bracing and tension, to anxiety, to fear, to autoimmunity, to shame, to chronic exhaustion, burn out cycles, addictions, or over-giving. A condition that becomes an inseparable and inescapable part of the identity.

And psstttt… come closer /whispers/: you might (secretly?) even hold some of these “conditions” yourself, desperately trying to fix that stubborn “ish” that keeps coming back. And you feel so annoyed by it and maybe even ashamed because you know so much and are doing all the good things… so why doesn’t it just go away already? 

I feel you. And I’ve got you!

Welcome to Escaping the Inescapable:

꩜ Learn how to work with any chronic conditions in your clients in a way that elicits their innate intelligence without overthinking the “what else can I do?”.

꩜ Access new depths of your own perception so you can attune to the relational field with much more capacity and inner trust.

Enrich what you are already doing so well with much deeper understanding of the natural intelligence of human body and learn non-prescriptive tools that truly feel like magic.

In this course I will teach you nuanced and advanced somatic foundations of navigating most tricky and stubborn conditions with mastery and wizardry

So that you can meet any advanced and stuck difficulty in your clients (and self) without fixing, saving, or solving anyone.

So that you can facilitate predictable miracles and cellular shifts around the most challenging topics without making it harder than it needs to be, feeling insecure, doubting your genius or using tricks and gimmicks that don’t actually work.

I am talking brain stem somatic repatterning deep. I am talking rewiring default settings in your client’s system deep. I am talking gathering natural fields of resonance that are bigger and stronger than any human difficulty deep.

And what if I told you that instead of feeling yucky and sticky and like something that needs resolving and fixing, these conditions can be such a fertile soil full of Life and answers and medicine?  

How does that sound?


4-week online immersion (recordings available)
4 x 2h-sessions filled with embodied theory and lots of practice
Community Care in between (a chat to ask any Qs, to share any experiences, and to receive support and recognition)
7, 14, 21, 28 November 10 am – 12 pm CET
€399 (payment plans and scholarships available upon request because everyone should have access to this)

Tales of Bodyverse Logo

7 November 2024

10 am – 12 pm CET

Tools for Freeze:

– immobility beyond physical, exhaustion, chronic pain and tension, numbing out, depression, shame, feeling powerless etc. 

Tales of Bodyverse Logo

14 November 2024

10 am – 12 pm CET

Tools for activation:

– beyond Fight and Flight

– chronic anxiety, panic attacks, fear of taking action, inflammation beyond physical etc. 

Tales of Bodyverse Logo

21 November 2024

10 am – 12 pm CET

Tools for Double Bind states:

– autoimmunity, (unexplainable) symptoms, chronic embodied dysregulation etc.

Tales of Bodyverse Logo

28 November 2024

10 am – 12 pm CET

Relational fields:

– larger fields of support and resource, ancestral fields, relationality with the Breath of Life. 

As a practitioner…

You already know that you simply cannot willpower or mindset or psychologize yourself (or your clients) out of these conditions but you are not sure what else can you do. And so when your client keeps returning to this inescapable place you find yourself confused and stuck too at times. 

You might find yourself insecure and lost during a session because your client keeps meeting any of your questions and suggestions with “I don’t know“, “Nothing has changed and nothing will ever change“. And then you run out of things to say… Awkward silence… 

You might have learned all the tools and techniques that are mostly top-down and prescriptive but you realize that these techniques only scratch the surface and you are ready for some real science-based and mystery-led body-based magic

You want to facilitate spaces that feel like: “holy sh*t, what just happened, I feel like I just slept for 100 years and at the same time my body did so much, I feel like a whole new person“.

Come! I can teach you exactly how.

healing from healing.

I feel like the whole healing, therapeutic, coaching, and wellness scene has gotten ill and needs some healing (from healing) too. I’m talking collective stuff. There’s nothing wrong with YOU. YOU are changing the world and doing great!

It feels like we are moving in a spiral where we keep producing (also in healing) the very same dynamics that make us stuck and sick in the first place. We have to do something radically different. We must challenge the notion of what “health” and “healing” mean.

And so in this context, this course is more about UNleaning than learning. It does not provide specific and goal-oriented solutions. We will not be fixing or solving anyone. Instead, this course holds space for your innate medicine and intelligence to come forth and show you the way. It’s, like I said above, real science-based and mystery-led body-based magic.

And we only can do this together. Because any real change only happens when there’s true belonging.

Come, be held in a field of potential and possibility. A field of effortless somatic reorganisation and predictable miracles. A field where you don’t have to work hard. A field that is strong and stable enough for any difficulty to begin to metabolize.

Finally a whole-body-exhale. Coming back home to Trust (yes, capital-letter-T-Trust).

The science of it

Modalities that inform my work and this course: bodywork, Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, Feldenkrais, Osteopathic Neural and Visceral work, Polarity- and PPN-based Body into Being, Somatic Experiencing, Family Constellations, Integrative Somatic Therapy, Somatic Parts work, mythic and posthumanism studies.

During this course we will dive into science and wizardry of chronicity. 

We will visit chronic conditions like:


  • Exhaustion (feeling chronically depleted and exhausted sometimes without even realising it)
  • Autoimmunity and physical symptoms (you’ve tried all the doctors and all the treatments but no matter what you do your physical symptoms never go away)
  • Neurodivergence (AD(H)D, autism, dyslexia, etc)
  • Powerlessness (feeling hopeless and powerless faced by your personal and collective difficulties, like facing the madness of the world)
  • Anxiety (continuously spinning in the relentless forward agitation momentum)
  • Depression (feeling depressed as your baseline, numbness and lifelessness)
  • Physical pain (constantly or on-and-off suffering from chronic physical pain)
  • Shame (feeling like you are shackled by shame of too-muchness and not-enoughness)
  • Fear (like fear of the unknown, of taking action, fear that things will never change)

The practicality of it

Price: €399 (payment plans and scholarships available upon request)

We have 4x 2-hour sessions together. Each session will follow the same structure:
  • Welcome and a short opening practice
  • A piece of theory
  • A ritual practice to embody the theory
  • A deeper piece of theory
  • Closing practice
  • Q&A and 1on1 alchemical support in front of the group 

In between our sessions a community chat will be available to ask any questions, share any insight, receive recognition and support. This chat will be only available from 4 November till 30 November.

You will learn and practice skills and tools for somatic trauma resolution and nervous system unwinding specifically gathered around the topic of chronic conditions in highly sensitive (and/or neurodivergent) bodies.

IMPORTANT: If you are already in the School of Somatic Wizardry you get this online immersion for free. It is already included in your tuition. If you join the Online Immersion and later on decide to join the School, you will get a €500,- discount on your tuition.