On Freeze
June 20, 2024

The most hidden and well protected lands of your Bodyverse.   

Freeze is the most over-looked and mis-understood threat response. 

Freeze is the default threat response in all women and babies (which means, all humans). 

Freeze! Not Fight or Flight. 

I have never yet met a person without underlying Freeze dynamics. 

Before you continue reading, keep this as a default setting: there is so much value in being frozen and disappearing once in a while. We need it to be able to come back and do Life again. 

The secret here (as with everything in Life) is… the capacity for tidal movement. 

Meaning: being able to visit the Freeze Lands and then come back to Resonance. Over and over. 

Being with and thawing your Freeze requires a lot of presence and a “highly advanced nothing” (as my teacher Brigit Viksnins calls it). Something I could never offer in a letter.

But I can offer you some awareness around it. 

Which already, on itself, shifts the dynamics. 

So maybe as you read the following list, check in with your felt sense of it? 

And maybe bring in a resource for support? 

In a human Body Freeze might show up as:

  • (chronic) stiffness
  • little to no muscle tone (when you can’t seem to engage a certain muscle)
  • often sore muscles (even without an apparent reason)
  • often feeling cold
  • chronic pain
  • chronic conditions/diseases (autoimmunity)
  • feeling stuck in a certain part of the body (like a frozen shoulder)
  • feeling numb (physically, emotionally, spiritually, relationally)
  • feeling like you are not at home in your body
  • restricted breathing or holding of the breath
  • restricted access to the voice, throat issues 
  • depression
  • procrastination and avoidance
  • addiction tendencies 
  • low self-esteem
  • chronically being late
  • brain fog, lack of focus

Melting back to life takes time and presence. 

And so if you recognize some of these, how present can you be as it happens? 

What’s it like to be you inside of your Body just right now? 

Freeze requires very different conditions to begin to shift than Fight or Flight. 

Freeze has a very different physiology and energetics than Fight or Flight. 

It’s not about “I’m just gonna shake it off real quick”… 

Big dynamic practices like shaking, for example, won’t work. 

They might even make things worse. 

Every time I see a “somatic abs workout to get rid of Freeze in 5 sessions”… on social media my heart shrinks… 

With Freeze we must move slowly, with awareness, in tiny doable bits. 

No amount of books or podcasts will create this conditions for you. 

You cannot think or exercise yourself out of the Freeze.

All of my work is Freeze-based. I will be here when you are ready to explore and befriend your Freeze dynamics.  

Bodyverse Babe

I would love to hear your thoughts, feels, opinions, experiences on this.

Just book a call or send me a message 

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