Enchanted Body
A 2-hour FREE online somatic gathering | friday 16 August 2024
A pause amidst the chaos
The World has gone absolutely mad.
Anything hardly makes sense anymore.
But there’s one place where peace and clarity still exist – within your own Body.
I am offering you a sanctuary for the whole Body exhale.
A space that connects you more to your Natural Blueprint Essence.
An unconditional space that allows for predictable miracles to happen.
A space of true belonging that is so rare.
A pause amidst the chaos.
I know many of you, just like me, hold big visions of healing humanity. And I also know that sometimes this vision can seem just too big to hold it alone or even think about it…
“Who am I to make a difference?”
Especially in times of collective and personal turmoil, it’s so easy to feel disconnected, isolated, and powerless.
When we try to white-knuckle through all of it alone, with time, the Body weaves protective webs by tightening the layers of connective tissue. Not just the physical bodily tissue but the connective tissue all around. The connective tissue of Breath of Life, the Life Force.
Our Life Energy gets trapped. Our muchness fades away. Our aliveness goes extinct.
I say: let’s weave different kinds of webs, my babes!
The webs of belonging, mutual support and resource.
Let’s con-spire! (*conspiracy literally means “breathing together” btw)
What if your joy, your ease, your bodily ecstasy and also your pain, your trauma, your difficulty was not condensed in one single human self, but somewhere past the physical boundary of your skin, in the body of a bird, or a cloud, or an ancient oak tree?
What if the ways our bodies adjusted to trauma, non-consensual opening of pain were not universally problematic, but often deeply creative and the exact shape of a Doorway for you to enter to meet your genius?
What if the bodies of the highly sensitive, the neurodivergent, the survivors of trauma, and the chronically ill were not broken and in need of correction?
It’s time to re-enchant the Body!
- Friday 16 August 10 am – 12 pm CET
Online on Zoom
Recording is yours forever – use it any time you need a pause
Bring friends! Invite your human and more-that-human kin!
My genius is holding you in presence that is un-shaming, de-pathologizing, freeze-thawing, and life energy-inducing. I have a skill of connecting you more to what’s real, true, and present, to your own felt sense, your own presence and medicine.
We will do somatic practice together, share difficulty and beauty, steep in goodness, experience trance states, and have a dance party! We will weave feral, wide and wilde webs of relations with our human and more-than-human kin.
So you’ll leave this gathering like you’ve just been to a 100-year long retreat on an enchanted island. Your cup full. Your candle lit. Your garden watered. Your axe sharpened. Your roots nurtured. Your foundation fortified. Your Body and Soul tended to.